Unholy Black Cult
Put down the copy of Lords of Chaos you got for Xmas and leave your message boards and webzines behind. Unholy Black Cult has finally done something useful for black metal with the internet. Curious about the man behind the website and his reasons for creating it I contacted Neuntöter in April of 2005.
Greetings Neuntöter! Let’s start from the beginning. Describe to me how and when you initially became possessed by black metal.
Hell! I got into Black Metal pretty late I think. When I was at school a friend had a Dutch zine called Ugly Zombie and it was of course mostly pretty average boring gore bands and such, but there were two articles about Bestial Summoning and another about Fallen Temple. Both bands looked brutal as hell, spikes, paint, Satanic symbols etc. I wrote to Bestial Summoning to order the demo and Sepiroth sent me the Sodomastic Rituals demo, an adv. for The Dark War has begun and some tracks from some other Black Metal hordes like Samael, Burzum, Fallen Temple, Necromantia and some others. I couldn’t ever really relate to this heavy metal headbanging and beer drinking culture... all this denim and patches wasn’t my thing. There was always a need for something deeper, something darker. I had already some interest in (however primitive it was) Satanism and had some contact with The Order of the Left Hand Path. This was all in about 1992 and I was about 12 or 13 years old then. A friend of mine had some French girl stay at his place on some language course and she was heavily into Black Metal, after she left we kept some contact and got to know some more people... After awhile I started a zine (93-96), had some smaller bands that died. Most of my energy went into Dungeons of Darkness that I ran together with some good friends at the time (Varg Vikernes, Vidar Von Herske, Baron Von Abaddon etc). I still do cherish those days.
Tell me when and why you decided to start “Unholy Black Cult”. Had you always planned for it to be in the form of a website?
Heh, you know, I never really meant for this to be anything other than something for myself. I have so much things lying around here and in my parents basement that I just decided to do something with them. The result was pretty satisfying so I made it a little "public". I don’t really think the internet is the best medium to make such a thing as I did, but there isn’t any other choice really.
Black metal seems to be pretty poorly documented regarding its history. Would you wish for material presented on UBC to be presented in any other format? In the form of a book perhaps? There are several well done books about punk and hardcore that collect fliers, live pictures, etc. But it seems that the only major work that black metal has to show for itself is Lords of Chaos. Do you think that these old materials such as demo information, pictures, fliers and what not should be available to the public? Would you want such a thing to be available to purchase in a large bookstore or should this history remain relatively unknown? What I’m trying to say is; is the internet the ideal place to present UBC?
No, I certainly don’t think this should be made into such a thing.
The best medium would of course be some ugly fanzine type of thing, maybe several issues of it. Lords of Chaos is a pretty fucking disgusting book. Maybe some nice pictures in there but otherwise its just garbage. Of course the internet is not the best place for this. I have had a real battle of conscience over all this recently. Some people think this should stay in the past where it dwells and be kept away from the worms but on the other hand if Black Metal could cause the terror, fear and hatred it did in Scandinavia in the early days then it should be made do so at whatever cost. Otherwise, what’s the point? Do I like that some worm who has nothing in common with our Black ideology sees my page and thinks "dude...thats cool!"? No, it makes me sick. I’m very protective of Black Metal, I take it really seriously. Of course I have a sense of humour and all but I don’t see anything funny or "cool" about Black Metal. But we still cannot forget how weak minded and easily led teenagers are and if we manage to mentally fuck up even two of them, then we have done a good job. I know of quite a few worms who have been mentally or emotionally and two physically harmed by Black Metal. I think that’s fucking great!
The time period of 1990-1995 is often regarded as the most important for black metals growth. Why do you think it remains that so many of these bands are still heralded today? Do you not feel that certain bands from these few years are revered only because they released a demo or two prior to 1995? Without understating the greatness of certain bands would you not agree that it seems that the importance of that era as a whole has been overstated? Don’t get me wrong, bands from these years are amongst my favourites from the genre. But it seems that many new bands only try to emulate these old ones instead of making an effort to create something new or original.
Well of course just because a band existed back then doesn’t mean they are worth anything. There was a hell of a lot of worms around back then too, probably more than there is today within in the scene since then it did have more of a media pull, but musically the beginning of the 90s created some of the coldest and ugliest music I ever heard. The FEAR and TERROR they spread was also fucking great! They put words to actions (at least some of them did), Black Metal wasn’t something funny like it is today on most parts. The problem with bands is, while they have a pretty good looking front you never really get to see what they as people are like. Countless times you get disappointed when you meet some band who you have some respect for because they turn out to be nothing but a bunch of mindless hardrockers. Black Metal has always stood something above the rest; it’s been something more spiritual and more intelligent than the rest. Well...heh...less black METAL and more BLACK metal!
What do you think about innovation in black metal? Is black metal a form of music that is not suited for innovation or is it just that none have managed to accomplish this task successfully? Are there any current bands that have progressed within the genre effectively?
Innovation is too fucking overrated. Black Metal is Black Metal.
Tell me your thoughts on bands that are still in existence that are covered on UBC. Are there any bands from this era that you feel manage to strive forward with the same spirit that they possessed at their birth? What do you think of bands that have decided to reform after many years of silence? Two examples I could give would be Archgoat and Bestial Summoning.
Most of the bands have turned to shit. Some bands have of course kept the same spirit of adversary, such as Nåstrond, Gorgoroth (to some level anyway). I don’t see what place "musicians" have in Black Metal, the music should never be as important as the message. As for reformations well I guess it depends on the reasons for it but mainly I don’t see any good coming from it. In the end I think these bands only serve to damage the good reputation they once had. They kill off any mystique or whatever about themselves. Some things are best left in the dark. Take a band like Darkthrone f.ex. Had they died after Panzerfaust they would have had some seriously good legacy left behind them. Now they're nothing but a joke. And a bad one at that.
An entire section of the website is devoted to media articles pertaining to crimes committed by black metal musicians (namely Varg). Do you think that criminal activity is still important within the black metal scene or has the importance and urgency that it once held been lost?
Well I wouldn’t call it criminal. I think those times were like...the awakening of a primal European instinct that had been suppressed for far too long that came alive like a tidal wave and it influenced a lot of people in Europe and the US too obviously. Well its not "criminal" activity for the sake of "criminal" activity, but rather words put into action. There so many dorks within the scene who have these big words and fancy "ideologies" but there is no real conviction behind them. Of course Black Metal should be something that people fear; it should be something that the "normal" person is suspicious of not some freak show of people. It should be serious and dangerous. As for Varg, I had a lot of contact with him from 94-99 and he truly stands for what he believes in so you cannot help but admire and respect his dedication. He sacrificed himself and any real chance of a "normal" life in order to spread the ideas he believes in. His influence on Norwegian youth is pretty impressive and his influence within the Black Metal movement has been noticeable too. As for now and then, these days the prime aim seems to be record collecting among the vast majority of people within the scene...I never had that feeling back then...perhaps it existed but not as blatantly as it is today.
There was a point at which black metal seemed to be united by its anti-religious ideology. Now it seems that this common enemy once shared by all has been all but forgotten. Do you think that there is any relevance in continuing the fight against Christianity or should bands focus their efforts elsewhere? What is your opinion on NS black metal bands or ones that preach orthodox Satanism?
Well I know that in the US over 80% of the population attend a church at least once a week where as here in Sweden f.ex it’s probably something like 7%. I don’t think that Christianity has been forgotten within Black Metal but in some respects its relevance has diminished somewhat. It’s not an enemy worthy of destroying and besides, do you really feel so close to people that you wish to save them from this terrible desert religion? I certainly do not. For sometime I did but now I don’t see anyone worth "rescuing". Rather annihilate them all and start from scratch. NS bands are fine with me, I have no problems with it. Maybe don’t share all their opinions but certainly there is common ground. Orthodox Satanism the same. I admire the total fanaticism of such people like f.ex Mika from Ofermod.
From the mission statement given on the website it is apparent that you are disgusted with the current state of black metal. Would you say that the growing popularity of the internet has greatly contributed to hindering the way that this music is created and perceived today? What do you think of webzines, ebay, and file sharing?
Well I think Black Metal from ca. 95-2001/2 was a heap of shit. Infested with worms, good for nothings, posers...but recently its really started to rear its ugly head again...bands are more serious and more dedicated to what they are doing. The state of the scene in other respects is of course far from pleasing. I Think internet has fucked things up badly of course. File sharing where things are so public is pretty much ok with me since if a bands music is Black Metal then a normal person cannot relate to it. Black Metal is or should be esoteric by nature! Webzines are a fucking waste of space. ebay...heh, this above anything else has contributed to the idiotic trends of record collection like never before. Useful for somethings of course, but the negatives out weigh the positives by far.
Although you consider black metal the way it once was as being dead what bands do you believe remain true to the black metal spirit? Are there any current bands that manage to spark your interest like those of the past?
Sure, Katharsis, Watain, Ofermod, Warloghe, Nåstrond, Peste Noire, Gestapo 666, Satanic Warmaster, Wod, Necroplasma, Funeral Mist, Kaosritual etc.
Rather pointless, but please tell me what bands or albums from that period are your favourites. What bands still retain their importance and relevance today? Feel free to comment on any bands you feel have been either underrated or overrated.
Hmm thinking about the bands as they are today makes it hard to see their importance but had this been ten years ago I would have said:
Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
Burzum - Burzum and Aske
Impaled Nazarene - Tol...
Samael - Worship Him
Gorgoroth - demo
Nåstrond - demo
Strid - demo
Emperor - MLP
Mütiilation - Vampires of Black Imperial Blood
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Could go on but you get the idea I think. Bands being overrated or underrated isn’t something I care about anymore. There are plenty of people into certain bands for the wrong reasons. I remember when I was listening to f.ex Vlad Tepes old demos and all the people I knew were laughing at me...fast forward ten years later and its all pretty laughable. It’s the same with Bestial Summoning...no one gave a fuck about them until recently. It’s not really a matter of concern I think. I don’t listen to a band just because they make good music...it all has to fit...the lyrics, the atmosphere, the "image" and the people most importantly. The purpose of the horde should also be highly important.
This interview is about finished. Please tell me what to expect in the future from Unholy Black Cult? I’m assuming that in the coming months UBC should increase greatly in content. If I am correct, what kind of content shall we expect?
Aye, I have a lot of things to add to that...so much I hardly know where to start with it. I need some help with some programming shit that will make things easier to update. I have a lot of interviews, zine information, more newspaper articles of course, some interesting things about the first Black Metal related "crimes"...lots of good things.
That’s it. Thanks for your time and good luck with the project in the future. Finish this interview however you like.
Thanks for the time and space. Keep up the work.
Sigh picture taken from website.